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Jared Lee
Mar 29, 20214 min read
The Perpetual Foreigner: A Brief Summary of Normalized Racism Towards Asians
Anti-Asian sentiment in the United States has become a more prominent issue since the onset of COVID-19. From March 19, 2020, to February...

Jan 29, 20213 min read
A Message to High School Seniors
This winter marked the halfway point in the class of 2021’s final stride as high school students. Not long before the break, my English...

Jared Lee
Dec 18, 20202 min read
A Warming Earth: Impediments to Change
In 1896, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius reportedly became the first person to quantify the relationship between carbon dioxide and...

Carson Bell
Dec 2, 20202 min read
Tesla’s Impressive 2020 Performance: Is the Market Overvaluing Its Potential?
Last week, the chief executive of Tesla, Elon Musk, became the 2nd richest person in the world, surpassing Microsoft’s Bill Gates by more...

Chase Segui
Oct 16, 20206 min read
Time Travel?
Time Travel in the present day is far from the underground idea it used to be back when posed in 1895’s “Time Machine” by H.G Wells. The...

Matthew Lee
Sep 16, 20205 min read
An Analysis of Systemic Racism- Opinion
Despite the desire to remove racism and discrimination from this nation, these terrible attributes have been woven into the fabric of...

Sep 11, 20203 min read
The Generational Crisis of 2020
(Chrome)books out! The US back-to-school buzz arrived with fall 2020, but the slight feeling of dread that follows for students, parents,...

Zachary Whiting
Aug 24, 20203 min read
Guilty even when Proven Innocent: America’s Problem with Wrongful Conviction
In June of 2004, Clemente Aguirre, a 24 year old immigrant from Honduras, was arrested for the murder of his friends and next door...

Carson Bell
Aug 23, 20202 min read
Wall Street’s Disconnect From Economic Reality
On any given day, we often read headlines or glide over stories about developments in the stock market. Whether that be daily changes in...

Rohit Jha
Aug 2, 20209 min read
The REAL State of the US Healthcare System and the Viability of Medical Reforms
In the past year, the seeming incapability of the US health system to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic with the same efficiency as other...

Carson Bell
Aug 2, 20202 min read
Teenage Procrastination: Let’s Focus on the Cause, Not the Effect
Teenagers are incredibly confusing. How could teens think eating Tide Pods was a smart idea? Why do they spend hours every day on...

Jared Lee
Jul 31, 20202 min read
Trump Pressures Schools to Reopen in the Midst of a Pandemic
Despite the surge in coronavirus cases, the Trump administration has been pushing for schools to fully reopen this upcoming fall...

Jared Lee
Jul 31, 20203 min read
A Warming Earth: The Human Footprint
Human activity and our climate are undoubtedly linked. As a matter of fact, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in their 5th...

Rohit Jha
Jul 15, 20208 min read
Kanye for Pres-Ye-dent
Billionaire artist and footwear tycoon Kanye West is never far from the spotlight. Most recently, his alleged presidential bid has made head

Zachary Whiting
Jul 13, 20202 min read
Money vs Freedom: Examining the Facts of Mass Incarceration
With the unjustified and vile murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many other unarmed African Americans sparking new interest in...

Carson Bell
Jul 9, 20203 min read
Analysis: The Dangers of Excessive Stimulus Package Spending
As the COVID-19 global pandemic continues to spread and manifest itself into American ways of life, our nation’s economy has slowly been...

Chase Segui
Jul 5, 20205 min read
The World Through The Lens Of Chase Segui (Me)
Hello, world. I figured for anyone who wanted a quick history on what has been happening these last few weeks/ this past month, I would...

Jared Lee
Jun 29, 20204 min read
The Persistence of Police Brutality and its Victims
The recent killing of George Floyd, an unarmed African American man, by police officers has once again brought the injustice in our...

Zachary Whiting
May 31, 20203 min read
American Privilege in a World of Oppression
America truly is a melting pot of differing ideas, backgrounds, and life experiences. Recently, however, I came to the realization that...

Carson Bell
May 30, 20203 min read
Oil Prices: How They Went Negative
Earlier this month, the United States experienced something unprecedented with oil prices: they went negative. As oil is typically...
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